Special Programs
At Fullerton IV Elementary School, we want all of our students to reach their full potential so we provide a variety of programs to enhance the learning process. If you feel your student would be helped by one of these programs, please call the school office (440-4081) or one of the numbers listed below.
Mrs. Andrea Stanley (440-4081 ext. 6122)
At Fullerton IV music is part of the total curriculum. All classes receive vocal music instruction each week. Mrs. Stanley is available to answer questions about the music program.
Resource Center
Ms. Heather Yunker (440-4081 ext. 6116)
Our Resource Center teacher helps students identified with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Ms. Yunker and her staff work closely with homeroom teachers and parents in the development of the IEP and then with the student to carry out the plan.
Title I Program
Mrs. Kristen Coopride (440-4081 ext. 6117)
The Title I program helps identified students improve their skills in Reading and Mathematics. Mrs. Coopride works with classroom teachers to identify student needs and programs in these skill areas and to provide small group instruction for students at their skill level.
Turn-Around Program
Ms. Marie Leary (440-4081 ext 6110) and Ms. Jennah Cummings (ext. 6111)
The Turn-Around Program is a district program for elementary students whose behavior interrupts their learning. Our staff provide both behavioral and academic instruction to students to help them develop skills so that they can be successful in the general education classroom environment.
Library Media Center
Mrs. Heather Bolin (440-4081 ext. 6124)
Fullerton IV’s curriculum includes instruction in library skills. Our library paraprofessional helps students acquire the skills necessary to retrieve information from a variety of sources.
Speech/Language Therapy
Ms. Wendy Davidson (440-4081 ext. 6138)
Our Speech/Language Therapy teacher is assigned to us through the Douglas Education Service District. Mrs. Davidson works with students identified with an IEP. Students can be recommended to receive this service by parents and/or teachers.